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Sunday, November 15, 2009

How Do You Make Network Marketing Happen

In Network Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, Internet Marketing, as well as everything else in your life, if you know what you want, really know what you want, you can make it happen. If you are contemplating a change in your life to allow more financial freedom this article is for you.

I'm going to relate my comments to Network Marketing as, in my opinion, Network Marketing is the fastest way to financial freedom with the least investment and highest possibility of success. This isn't about getting something for nothing, once you know what you want I will show you how to make it happen. Don't waste your time and money with someone who offers you something for nothing – it doesn't happen that way.

Many people believe that network marketers join a network marketing company “to make a lot of money.” First of all, that isn't true in most cases; when I say most cases I mean well over 75% of the people who join a network marketing company join because of a product experience, relationship, tax considerations or curiosity. And second, “to make a lot of money” is not knowing what you want.

We all look at life from our own perspective. For a lot of people making an extra $200 to $600 a month represents a lot of money. To others making an extra $1,000 to $9,000 a month, working part-time, represents a lot of money. Most people can't relate to making $10,000 to $50,000 a month which, if you relate it to the average monthly income of a wage earner in the USA, is a lot of money.

In order for you to make it happen you have to set realistic monetary and life goals for yourself. One of the first goals is to determine how much money you want to make. However, that is not the first goal. Your first goal should be to thoroughly evaluate the companies in the industry you want to work in and determine which company best suits you.

Unfortunately, as I stated above, in the Network Marketing industry most people join a network marketing company without knowing what to look for and how to evaluate the company they are getting involved with. Some of my other articles deal with these subjects, they're important enough that you should read them before you join a network marketing company. We'll discuss here how to get what you want once you have made your decision to join a company.

You're in, you did your due diligence joined the right company for you, you understand the marketing system, you selected an upline that can help you grow, your personal coach is in place, your committed to building a business, you know why you are doing this business. How do you make it happen?

You pretend! That's right right you use your imagination, your subconscious, your higher self. Pretend that your life is a theatricality production in which you are the principle actor, writer and director. Not only are you the star of your play, you are the only one that can make revisions to the script of your life.

Write down how your life is playing out for you. How many hours do you work at your day job, how much money do you bring home at the end of the month, how many hours are you in the car, how much time do you spend with your family, how many hours do you watch TV, etc..

Look around you at your life. If you don't like what you see write a new script. Be practical, write out what you really feel you can attain. If you are going to allow your network marketing company to change your life give yourself enough time to let it happen. Use the systems in place at your new found company to establish realistic goals, time tables and expectations.

The first step is to make a commitment to yourself and your mentor. Until you have made a commitment and agree to be held accountable there will be hesitancy. The first step in making your commitment is being willing to write down what you want, in this instance in the form of financial goals, and spelling out in detail how you intend to accomplish those goals. Go through your company's compensation plan with your mentor to determine what milestones you have to make to systematically maximize your income based on the lifestyle script you have prepared for yourself.

Write out what your life will be like when you have attained your goals. By writing out in detail what you want your life to be and then writing out in further detail what your life will be like when your goals are attained you are saying to the universe that you believe that these goals are attainable and you are ready to allow them to come into your life.

Expect that your life's play will now present circumstances, you hadn't even thought of, to make your life's theatrical production just the way you want it to be.

Try it, it works. If I can help in the process don't hesitate to contact me.

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