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Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Where does the concept "Attraction Marketing" come from?

I love this topic!

Attraction marketing is a term that originates from the universal law of attraction as brought to us by Esther and Jerry Hicks through Abraham. Yep, it's a metaphysical concept so accepted by the “main stream” that it is now a respected marketing philosophy.

Ever heard of “The Secret?” The concept of attraction marketing was popularized by the release of “The Secret” DVD. If you haven't seen the DVD you should.

However, once you see it you should also get your hands on “The Secret Behind The Secret.” You will be introduced to Esther, Jerry and Abraham Hicks. From there I would suggest you go all the way back to “The Law of Attraction” by Jerry and Esther Hicks.

Basically the concept of attraction marketing is drawing you into a vibrational state that you are compatible with the market you have created and that is waiting for you to join it. Your market is there waiting for you to offer yourself, your product, your message, whatever you have. All you have to do is become a vibrational match to that market and it is yours.

O.K.; what does that mean?

The universe and our world within the universe is an abundant place. It is not full of lack, hate, fear, as represented by the establishment and established media. It is a place full of freedom, joy, growth and abundance for you. It is all about you.

Attraction marketing is you coming into vibrational alignment with the freedom, joy and growth that is you.

One of the companies that I work with has a product that allows us to make money while we, through the company, do incredible things for children worldwide. Yet, many people do not participate. Remember, they are earning money not spending per se, why wouldn't a person become involved?

I believe that people do not become involved in this product and things like this in general because they are listening to the main stream establishment, particularly the main stream media tell them about lack. Lack of money, integrity, potential, caring, opportunities and on, and on, and on. While all the while there is no lack at all.

Attraction marketing can help you find yourself, if you are looking. It can also make you very disconnected if you don't know what it is and why you are doing it. My advice is to learn a little about Esther and Jerry Hicks and a lot about The Law of Attraction.

I teach people how to make Money, have Fun and have more Free Time for the things that are important to them . How to share and how to give back Visit .

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